Myths 2016rochester High School Ms. Frisby

The 7 Biggest High School Misconceptions In this 2004 publicity image originally released by Paramount Pictures, from left, Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Seyfried, Rachel McAdams and Lacey Chabert are shown in a scene from 'Mean Girls.' May 11, 2003 Ms. Frisby says that when she and her family moved from Queens to Roosevelt in 1966, it was a predominantly white area. She recalls that within two and a half years, the neighborhood had become.

High School Myths!

Looking back at my high school years, I am filled with bittersweet agony. I, like so many millions, looked forward to entering high school and did so with the best of intentions. However, I made a few missteps — a lot of which were a result of pressure built on by the numerous high school myths which filled my head from movies, T.V. and books which made high school look like some sort of a wild jungle party.

In the following, I will be debunking a few of them for every teen out there who is about to enter high school.

1. Only the popular kids have fun

No high school is anything like what we were shown in the movie Mean Girls! There is no elite group which runs the whole school. Yes, there will be certainly people who are more outgoing than others and have a wider circle of friends, but the truth is that most high schools are so big that people don’t really care about how popular you are. And there are not going to be crazy parties every weekend being thrown by this popular clique, with being invited to the party as some sort of acceptance criteria.

The idea is to find your group of friends or like-minded people and have the best time possible while focusing on learning as much as you can (and proving it with good grades). Most parties or hangouts are among close group of friends and are low key. The supreme power of the popular clique is a totally fake high school myth, unless your high school has like 30 kids in it total.

Do not enter high school with a mindset that you need to be part of any clique to survive that place. You just have to be yourself for the right kind of friends to like you just the way you are.

2. I’d better hide on Freshman Friday

I remember walking scared all day long on the first Friday of my high school year. All you freshmen out there, you may breathe a sigh of relief there is hardly such thing as a Freshman Friday any more! Especially since these days, bullying is on everyone’s radar and hazing is hardly acceptable any more.

It took me a whole day of holding my breath to realize everyone’s just too busy and don’t really care enough about the freshman to torture them. Some seniors might make you feel that they are superior to you in some ways, which they really aren’t except for their knowledge about the building. There might be some ragging or some people might pull a few pranks but people rarely get physical, unless you somehow end up involved with the wrong kind of kids — in which case get an adult involved if you do not feel safe or are bullied harshly.

Many high schools offer freshmen some sort of mentoring program to jump start their high school experience, so make sure you check out what your school has to offer before the school year starts.

3. Everyone drives a wicked cool car in high school

This is one of those high school myths which comes from just about every teen movie ever made. the trith is, not everyone comes to school in their own personal Benz or Mustang GT — most of the cars in the parking lot probably belong to the teachers or the staff.

Unless your parents got bucks, the usual way you get your first car is that you finish school, get a job and then get your own car, even if its a jalopy. Do not expect your parents to buy you a car automatically when you turn 16, and do not enter high school thinking you need a ride to impress people.

If you want to impress people, impress them with your talents and your personality.

4. Appearance is the key to acceptance

Yes, it is true that we become more aware of our sense of style and fashion in the high school years, but it certainly doesn’t mean you have to be on some sort of a bandwagon — even though Instagram tends to show otherwise!

It helps to look presentable and take care of your grooming, because that is just polite and also makes you feel good, but your style or the label on your clothing is not the key to your social life. Within a couple of weeks after school starts everyone gets so busy with exams, projects and other stuff that people hardly pay attention to what other people are wearing.

So no need to fret over what to wear every morning, just follow what is your true style or whatever you are in the mood for.

5. These are the best years of my life

A lot of teens enter high school thinking these are supposed to be the best years of their lives and they should live it up as much as they can before its all over. Boy, can this high school myth wreck your attitude when things don’t quite go that way.

Also, just because everyone seems to be dating, doesn’t mean you have to be in any hurry…because the best years are still to come. Your thirties and forties will be way better than this, believe me.

These are the years to make mistakes and not take things too seriously. I was so nervous about “being trapped” that I ended up being in an open relationship. I thought with this “no strings attached” kind of thing going I would be happy and free, but the truth is I ended up being miserable and multiple commitments even effected my grades. It was immoral, and I knew it, and regretted it.

High school can be a different sort of an experience for everyone. You shouldn’t enter high school with too many preconceived ideas. It is the best time to explore yourself, and what options you have for the future. Your college admission also depends on what you do in this time, so sacrifice a little here by hitting the books and it should pay off in the best years of your life later.

6. The only thing that matters is my grades

Another of the high school myths which should be debunked here is that teens often think “I don’t need to participate in extra-curricular activities; I should just focus on my grades.” This statement is completely false.

Colleges and Universities always look for well-rounded applicants. Even if you are the smartest kid in your school academically, colleges will debate whether they should accept you or not just because you did not participate in any extracurricular activities. Even without college plans, extracurricular activities teach you so much more than what books can. You get to learn patience, persistence and discipline, as well as develop artistically, athletically, and/or spiritually. These are desirable qualities and part of your life education, so do not focus only on your grades, but try something new to expand your horizons.

7. There is a gang of kids drinking, smoking and/or and doing drugs in every bathroom

I was terrified of entering bathrooms when I first went to high school, because nearly every movie I have ever seen shows a bunch of tough looking kids in leather jackets that hang out in bathrooms all day ready to beat nerds up in between drags of their cigarette or swigs of beer — or smoking weed and being stupid.

While you may encounter a few kids here and there being naughty, this is rare. And definitely not like what you see in the movies. In fact, if teens are going to misbehave, they usually do it far away from teachers — meaning they wait until after school on their way home.

8. I don’t have to worry about the SAT or ACT until Senior year

Many students believe since they need their standardized test results just before they need to apply for college of their choice; they should wait until the very end to even think about these tests. Actually the earlier you prepare for your ACT and/or SAT exams, the better off you will be. There are plenty of resources for taking practice tests, study guides, and more online which will help you prepare. It is better to take the SATs as early as possible, as it gives you more time to restudy and retake the test for better scores.

This comes from personal experience.

Myths 2016 rochester high school ms frisby 2017

Rochester High School Illinois

9. I must strive to shine like a lone star

Another very interesting myth that is sometimes manifested is that the lone star shines the brightest. In truth, teens need to learn the importance of teamwork and getting along with people.

When working together, sometimes team members become competitive and try to outshine each other or focus only on their part in the project. There has been a paradigm shift in the corporate culture over the past few years. Every company now looks for a team player and wants to see how well you will blend in. Therefore, it is very important to participate in all sorts of group activities. High school is one of the best times to get exposed to the concept and don’t become an anti-social jerk just because “nobody gets me.” What are YOU doing that is making you so hard to “get?”

So, whenever you are part of a group don’t just focus on yourself and sulk in a corner or try to dominate: see how you can contribute to the success of the whole team.

10. I must lose my virginity in high school

No you don’t. You also don’t need to do so in college either. The truth is, there are no 100 percent, across the boards rules about this. Instead, it kind of depends on your upbringing, your parent’s guidance, your cultural background, your religious beliefs, and even what part of the country you live in. Mots of all, it depends on your gut, and what makes your comfortable in accordance with the previous factors.

The point is…there is no rush.

So there you have it. High school is what you make of it, and hopefully you will get to know yourself much better. It is a phase where some of the lessons you learn will stay with you for life, so do not let these high school myths spoil your experience for you.

That leap from middle school to high school is scary enough. And with tons of crazy rumors floating around about what’s to come, the transition can be terrifying. But no worries! We’re here to help. So take a deep breath and let us tell you what’s REALLY going on.

Your BFFs will ditch you

So you’ve got that worry in the back of your mind: what if your gal pals call it quits for the popular kids? And if they do, should you chase ’em or let it slide? Don’t stress- just like lots of things in life right now, your girl group might change a little too. But your true BFFs will always be right by your side. And hey, don’t forget to leave a little room for some new pals to hop in!

You need a boyfriend ASAP

The first thing on your mind next year should definitely not be snagging a BF at the earliest opportunity. Take some chill time for yourself and concentrate on getting that A and finding a close crew. After you’re settled in, keep an open mind- you never know what hotties will be roaming the halls! But don’t force it. If it’s meant to be, the right guy will come into your life.

Being popular is extra important

The cool thing about high school is that, as you and your buds are maturing, you start to forget the things that aren’t so important and focus on what really matters. You won’t care nearly as much about who’s more popular than who. You’ll be more worried about acing that test and meeting those deadlines.

Being a club member is so nerdy

Absolutely not! Taking part in a club or committee is the best way to make tons of pals while doing what you love. Most high schools have tons of different ways to get involved, like knitting clubs, photography clubs, and science clubs. Just make sure you pick the group that’s right for you instead of following the crowd.

Popular girls are mean girls

During this next chapter in your life, girls will start searching for a crew based on how caring and supportive the gals are, rather than how cool they look in the halls. Everyone will want to be around the “popular” girls because of their great hearts, not their great shoes. So switch your BFF criteria from blond bully to sweet schoolmate.

Boys are just as icky and mean

Finally! The time when guys start growing up. Of course you’ll still run into those dudes who need a little more maturing. But in high school, when a cutie’s crushing on you, he’s more likely to smile and throw ya a compliment than act goofy for your attention.

Myths 2016rochester High School Ms. Frisby

You MUST wear the latest trends

You’ve got way too much on your plate to worry about looking super chic 100 percent of the time! In high school, people will care much more about the ideas in your head than the clothes on your body.

The workload is impossible!

Next year’s schedule will definitely be more packed than your middle school one. You’ll have more responsibilities, both at home and in school. Just remember that you're prepared, and try to take on every challenge and opportunity that’s thrown your way. If you come down with a case of serious stress overload, make sure you talk to your parents or a school counselor. They’ll be more than happy to help out.

Teachers are super strict

You’ve heard countless horror stories from your older bro about the vicious high school teachers who give endless detentions and fail students without hesitating. Totally untrue! As you get older, your teachers will expect more from you, but that doesn’t mean they suddenly turn evil! You may have a few toughies, but for the most part, your teachers are there to help and really want ya to succeed.

Real life high school = TV high school


Myths 2016 Rochester High School Ms Frisby Mi

Practically the opposite- nothing is nearly as dramatic or intimidating as Pretty Little Liars, but you're not just carelessly chilling in the halls like Zoey 101, either. The most important thing in high school is balance: mixing the right amount of stress with the right amount of fun is key.

What’s one thing that has you freaking out about going back to school this fall? Tell us in the comments!

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